
I’ve known Erin since she and my Gracie were in fourth grade together. Wheneven I see or think of her I always think back to her love (obsession) with all things penguin related. She loved penguins. Not so much anymore but that’s the thing about this senior class of 2020. Most of them I’ve know for a long time. It’s so funny when I see them, I see who they were when I met them and who they have become. Erin is all about the theater. She is the head of the tech crew at our high school. She is passionate, compassionate, driven, organized, respected and looked-up to by any and all who know her. She is adored by her family. If you know her or them you are the lucky one. She has plans to go into stage production and wants to see the world on tour with someone going everywhere.

Erin Kimble Blog Board.jpg
Terri Calla